netcdf iasitropomi/v0300/ { dimensions: observation_id = 227794; atmospheric_levels = 29; variables: float altitude_levels(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "atmospheric altitude levels [m a.s.l.], interpolated from the TROPOMI output coarse grid to the here used fine grid by assuming linear relation between ln(pressure) and altitude"; :long_name = "altitude above sea level"; :standard_name = "altitude"; :units = "m"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float avk_total_column_amount(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "total column amount averaging kernel"; :long_name = "total column amount averaging kernel"; :units = "mol mol-1"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float avk_tropospheric_column_amount(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "tropospheric column amount averaging kernel (gnd - about 450hPa)"; :long_name = "tropospheric column amount averaging kernel"; :units = "mol mol-1"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float avk_uts_column_amount(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "uts column amount averaging kernel (about 450hPa - TAO)"; :long_name = "uts column amount averaging kernel"; :units = "mol mol-1"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float ch4_apriori(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "CH4 a priori profile [ppb]"; :long_name = "CH4 a priori profile"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float dry_pressure_weight(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "dry pressure weightings [mol m-2], diagonal entries of operator Z from Appendix D of Schneider, Matthias, et al., AMT 2022"; :long_name = "dry pressure weightings"; :units = "mol m-2"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float iasi_gnd_pressure(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "IASI pixel ground pressure [Pa]"; :long_name = "IASI pixel surface pressure"; :units = "Pa"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float iasi_lat(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "IASI pixel geographical latitude [degree_north] (north is positive and south negative)"; :long_name = "IASI pixel latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float iasi_lon(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "IASI pixel geographical longitude [degree_east] (east is positive and west negative)"; :long_name = "IASI pixel longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float observation_id(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "profile variable for uniquely identifying individual profiles/observations"; :long_name = "profile/observation identifier"; :cf_role = "profile_id"; :units = "1"; float iasi_time(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "IASI observation universal coordinated time (UTC) given in seconds since 2010-01-01 00:00:00"; :long_name = "IASI observation universal coordinated time"; :units = "seconds since 2010-01-01 00:00:00"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float iasi_utsxch4(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "uts column (about 450hPa - TAO) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by IASI alone [ppb]"; :long_name = "retrieved IASI utsXCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float iasi_utsxch4_dofs(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "degrees of freedom for signal for the uts column (about 450hPa - TAO) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by IASI alone"; :long_name = "degrees of freedom for signal of retrieved IASI utsXCH4"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float iasi_utsxch4_error(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "measurement noise error for the uts column (about 450hPa - TAO) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by IASI alone [ppb]"; :long_name = "measurement noise error of retrieved IASI utsXCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float integrator_total_column_amount(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "total column amount integrator (described by letter \'W\' in Schneider, Matthias, et al., AMT 2022)"; :long_name = "total column amount integrator"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float integrator_tropospheric_column_amount(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "tropospheric column amount integrator (gnd - about 450hPa, described by letter \'W\' in Schneider, Matthias, et al., AMT 2022)"; :long_name = "tropospheric column amount integrator"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float integrator_uts_column_amount(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "uts column amount integrator (about 450hPa - TAO, described by letter \'W\' in Schneider, Matthias, et al., AMT 2022)"; :long_name = "uts column amount integrator"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon pressure_levels"; float lat(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "TROPOMI pixel geographical latitude [degree_north] (north is positive and south negative)"; :long_name = "latitude"; :standard_name = "latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :axis = "Y"; float lon(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "TROPOMI pixel geographical longitude [degree_east] (east is positive and west negative)"; :long_name = "longitude"; :standard_name = "longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; :axis = "X"; float nol(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "number of actual atmospheric grid levels"; :long_name = "number of atmospheric grid levels"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float pressure_levels(observation_id=227794, atmospheric_levels=29); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "atmospheric pressure levels [Pa]"; :long_name = "atmospheric pressure"; :standard_name = "air_pressure"; :units = "Pa"; :axis = "Z"; :positive = "down"; float time(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "TROPOMI universal coordinated time (UTC) given in seconds since 2010-01-01 00:00:00"; :long_name = "universal coordinated time"; :standard_name = "time"; :units = "seconds since 2010-01-01 00:00:00"; :axis = "T"; float tropomi_albedo_nir(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "TROPOMI NIR albedo"; :long_name = "TROPOMI NIR albedo"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float tropomi_albedo_swir(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "TROPOMI SWIR albedo"; :long_name = "TROPOMI SWIR albedo"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float tropomi_flag_glint(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "TROPOMI glint flag as provided with SRON, version 19_446"; :long_name = "TROPOMI glint flag"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float tropomi_flag_land(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "TROPOMI land flag as provided with SRON,version 19_446"; :long_name = "TROPOMI land flag"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float tropomi_xch4(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "total column integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by TROPOMI alone [ppb]"; :long_name = "retrieved TROPOMI XCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float tropomi_xch4_dofs(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "degrees of freedom for signal obtained by TROPOMI alone retrieval"; :long_name = "degrees of freedom for signal of the TROPOMI retrieval"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float tropomi_xch4_error(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "measurement noise error for the total column integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by TROPOMI alone"; :long_name = "measurement noise error of retrieved TROPOMI XCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float troxch4(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "tropospheric column (gnd - about 450hPa) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "retrieved troXCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float troxch4_dofs(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "degrees of freedom for signal for the tropospheric column (gnd - about 450hPa) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI"; :long_name = "degrees of freedom for signal of retrieved troXCH4"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float troxch4_error(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "measurement noise error for the tropospheric column (gnd - about 450hPa) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "measurement noise error of retrieved troXCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float troxch4_error_dl(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "IASI-TROPOMI dislocation error for the tropospheric column (gnd - about 450hPa) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "IASI-TROPOMI dislocation error of retrieved troXCH4"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :units = "1e-9"; float utsxch4(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "uts column (about 450hPa - TAO) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "retrieved utsXCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float utsxch4_dofs(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "degrees of freedom for signal for the uts column (about 450hPa - TAO) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI"; :long_name = "degrees of freedom for signal of retrieved utsXCH4"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float utsxch4_error(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "measurement noise error for the uts column (about 450hPa - TAO) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "measurement noise error of retrieved utsXCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float utsxch4_error_dl(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "IASI-TROPOMI dislocation error for the uts column (about 450hPa - TAO) integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "IASI-TROPOMI dislocation error of retrieved utsXCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float xch4(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "total column integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "retrieved XCH4"; :standard_name = "dry_atmosphere_mole_fraction_of_methane"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float xch4_dofs(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "degrees of freedom for signal for the total column integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI"; :long_name = "degrees of freedom for signal of retrieved XCH4"; :units = "1"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float xch4_error(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "measurement noise error for the total column integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "measurement noise error of retrieved XCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float xch4_error_dl(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "IASI-TROPOMI dislocation error for the total column integrated dry air mole fraction of CH4 obtained by combining TROPOMI and IASI [ppb]"; :long_name = "IASI-TROPOMI dislocation error of retrieved XCH4"; :units = "1e-9"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; float tropomi_aerosol_parameter(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :description = "TROPOMI aerosol parameter calculated from RemoTeC aerosol retrieval according to Butz et al. 2012,"; :long_name = "TROPOMI aerosol parameter"; :coordinates = "lat lon"; :units = "m"; float tropomi_qa_flag(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float float iasi_cloud_summary_flag(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float float iasi_cloud_area_fraction(observation_id=227794); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float // global attributes: :title = "Synergetic IASI and TROPOMI methane profile output generated at KIT IMK-ASF, Karlsruhe"; :tropomi_data_version = "CH4 Version 19_446 from SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research (beta version of the operational S5P product) which is using an updated fit of the surface reflectance spectral dependency to a third-order polynomial fit. Lorente et al. (2022)."; :iasi_data_version = "030300"; :synergy_data_version = "0300"; :institution = "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)"; :history = "Date of synergy calculations: 20-June-2024"; :address = "H.-v.-Helmholtz-Platz 1, D-76344 Leopoldshafen, Germany"; :author = "Kanwal Shahzadi and Matthias Schneider"; :email = ","; :data_format_version = "netcdf"; :Conventions = "CF-1.7"; :license = "CC BY 4.0 Attribution"; }