netcdf caribic/IAGOS-CARIBIC_MS_files_collection_20240112/CARIBIC-2/ { dimensions: time = 4122; variables: float FlightPhase(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "platform_status_flag"; :long_name = "0-10, 0=nn 1=PowerOn 2=EngineStart 3=TaxiOut 4=TakeOff 5=Climb 6=Cruise 7=Approach 8=RollOut 9=TaxiIn 10=EngineStop"; :unit = "1"; :standard_unit = "1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PosLat(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "latitude"; :long_name = "Present Position Latitude"; :unit = "degrees"; :standard_unit = "degree_north"; :coverage_content_type = "coordinate"; :C_format = "%.3f"; :axis = "Y"; float PosLong(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "longitude"; :long_name = "Present Position Longitude"; :unit = "degrees"; :standard_unit = "degree_east"; :coverage_content_type = "coordinate"; :C_format = "%.3f"; :axis = "X"; float TrueHead(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "platform_orientation"; :long_name = "True Heading"; :unit = "degrees"; :standard_unit = "degree"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float WindSpeed(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "wind_speed"; :long_name = "Wind Speed"; :unit = "knots"; :standard_unit = "(1852/3600) m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float WindDirTr(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "wind_to_direction"; :long_name = "Wind Angle (True)"; :unit = "degrees"; :standard_unit = "degree"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PitchAng(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "platform_pitch_angle"; :long_name = "Pitch Angel"; :unit = "degrees"; :standard_unit = "degree"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float RollAng(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "platform_roll_angle"; :long_name = "Roll Angel"; :unit = "degrees"; :standard_unit = "degree"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float StdAltitu(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "barometric_altitude"; :long_name = "Std Press Altitude"; :unit = "feet"; :standard_unit = "0.3048 m"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float BaroAltit(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "barometric_altitude"; :long_name = "Baro Corrected Altitude"; :unit = "feet"; :standard_unit = "0.3048 m"; :coverage_content_type = "coordinate"; :C_format = "%d"; :axis = "Z"; float TrAirSpeed(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_air"; :long_name = "True Airspeed"; :unit = "knots"; :standard_unit = "(1852/3600) m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float ToAirTmp(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "air_total_temperature"; :long_name = "Total Air Temperature"; :unit = "degC"; :standard_unit = "degree_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float AltitRate(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "tendency_of_barometric_altitude"; :long_name = "Altitude Rate"; :unit = "feet/min"; :standard_unit = "0.3048/60 m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float StcAirTmp(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "air_temperature"; :long_name = "Static Air Temperature"; :unit = "degC"; :standard_unit = "degree_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float AngOAttck(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "platform_attack_angle"; :long_name = "Corrected Angle of Attack"; :unit = "degrees"; :standard_unit = "degree"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float TotPres(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "air_total_pressure"; :long_name = "Total Pressure"; :unit = "mbar"; :standard_unit = "100 Pa"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float VertSpeed(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "platform_vertical_speed_wrt_air"; :long_name = "Vertical Velocity"; :unit = "feet/min"; :standard_unit = "0.3048/60 m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float GndSpeed(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "platform_speed_wrt_ground"; :long_name = "Ground Speed"; :unit = "knots"; :standard_unit = "(1852/3600) m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float LocalTime(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "time"; :long_name = "Local Solar Time (LST) as day fraction"; :unit = "days since 2014-11-27"; :standard_unit = "d"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.8f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float pstatic(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "air_pressure"; :long_name = "Static Pressure"; :unit = "mbar"; :standard_unit = "100 Pa"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float Tpot(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "air_potential_temperature"; :long_name = "Potential Temperature"; :unit = "K"; :standard_unit = "K"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float Altitude(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "barometric_altitude"; :long_name = "Pressure Altitude"; :unit = "m"; :standard_unit = "m"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float SZA(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "solar_zenith_angle"; :long_name = "Solar zenith angle in degrees calculated from position, time and date according to DIN 5034 algorithm"; :unit = "deg"; :standard_unit = "degree"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.7f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float H2Ostatus(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "status_flag"; :long_name = "Instrument status, 0: all 3 sensors worked, 1: PA gaseous failure (all H2O >100% saturation vs. ice (T<0C) / liquid (T>0C) is attributed to clouds 2: only Buck-CR2 (total H2O) worked, 3: no data"; :unit = "1-3"; :standard_unit = "1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float H2Ogas(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_water_vapor_in_air"; :long_name = "Gaseous H2O volume mixing ratio"; :unit = "ppm"; :standard_unit = "1e-6"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float H2Ocloud(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_cloud_condensed_water_in_air"; :long_name = "Cloud content volume mixing ratio, corrected for enhancement of cloud particles by non-isokinetic inlet"; :unit = "ppm"; :standard_unit = "1e-6"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float Ozone(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air"; :long_name = "Ozone mixing ratio"; :unit = "ppb"; :standard_unit = "1e-9"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float H_rel_TP(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "altitude_wrt_tropopause"; :long_name = "Ozone-based representative height above the tropopause"; :unit = "km"; :standard_unit = "1e3 m"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float NO(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_nitrogen_monoxide_in_air"; :long_name = "NO volume mixing ratio"; :unit = "ppb"; :standard_unit = "1e-9"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.4f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float NOy(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_total_reactive_nitrogen_in_air"; :long_name = "NOy volume mixing ratio"; :unit = "ppb"; :standard_unit = "1e-9"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.4f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float TGM(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_total_gaseous_mercury_in_air"; :long_name = "Total gaseous mercury concentration"; :unit = "ng/m^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e-12 kg m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.3f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float GEM(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_gaseous_elemental_mercury_in_air"; :long_name = "Gaseous elemental mercury concentration"; :unit = "ng/m^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e-12 kg m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.3f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float CO(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air"; :long_name = "Carbon monoxide mixing ratio"; :unit = "ppb"; :standard_unit = "1e-9"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float CO2(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air"; :long_name = "Carbon dioxide dry air mole fraction"; :unit = "ppm"; :standard_unit = "1e-6"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float CH4(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air"; :long_name = "Methane dry air mole fraction"; :unit = "ppb"; :standard_unit = "1e-9"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float CH4_Err(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air_standard_error"; :long_name = "Statistical uncertainty of CH4"; :unit = "ppb"; :standard_unit = "1e-9"; :coverage_content_type = "qualityInformation"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float ACN(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_aceto_nitrile_in_air"; :long_name = "Acetonitrile volume mixing ratio"; :unit = "ppt"; :standard_unit = "1e-12"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float ACE(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_acetone_in_air"; :long_name = "Acetone volume mixing ratio"; :unit = "ppt"; :standard_unit = "1e-12"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float N4_12(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle number concentration between 4 and 12 nm dry diameter"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float N12(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle number concentration for particles larger than 12 nm dry diameter"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float N18(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle number concentration for particles larger than 18 nm dry diameter"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%d"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PNumC(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle number concentration between 140 and 1050 nm diameter"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSurfC(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "surface_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle surface concentration between 140 and 1050 nm diameter"; :unit = "micrometer^2/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e-6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PVolC(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "volume_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle volume concentration between 140 and 1050 nm diameter"; :unit = "micrometer^3/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e-12"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.8f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PMassC(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle mass concentration between 140 and 1050 nm diameter"; :unit = "microgram/m^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e-9 kg m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.4f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD01(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 140.0 and 171.3 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD02(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 171.3 and 209.5 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD03(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 209.5 and 256.2 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD04(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 256.2 and 313.4 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD05(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 313.4 and 383.4 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD06(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 383.4 and 469.0 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD07(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 469.0 and 573.7 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD08(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 573.7 and 701.7 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD09(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 701.7 and 858.4 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float PSizeD10(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air"; :long_name = "Particle size distribution bin concentration between 858.4 and 1050.0 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp))"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float cpc1_amb_ncm3(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_aerosol_particles_in_ambient_air"; :long_name = "CPC1 total particle number concentration for diameter dp > 15 nm from P2c instrument, converted to ambient conditions"; :unit = "1e6 m-3"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float cpc2_amb_ncm3(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_non_volatile_aerosol_particles_in_ambient_air"; :long_name = "CPC2 non-volatile particle number concentration for diameter dp > 15 nm from P2c instrument, converted to ambient conditions"; :unit = "1e6 m-3"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float opc1_amb_ncm3(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_aerosol_particles_of_diameter_larger_than_250nm_in_ambient_air"; :long_name = "OPC1 total particle mixing ratio dp larger than 250 nm from P2c instrument, converted to ambient conditions"; :unit = "1e6 m-3"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float opc12_amb_ncm3(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_aerosol_particles_of_diameter_larger_than_1_um_in_ambient_air"; :long_name = "Total number of particles diameter dp > 1000 nm from P2c instrument, converted to ambient conditions"; :unit = "1e6 m-3"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.2f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float SC_Conc(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air"; :long_name = "Concentration of scattering particles without black carbon"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.3f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float BC_Mass_Conc(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mass_concentration_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air"; :long_name = "Mass of black carbon particles"; :unit = "ng/m^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e-12 kg m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.3f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float BC_Conc(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "number_concentration_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air"; :long_name = "Concentration of black carbon particles"; :unit = "1/cm^3_STP"; :standard_unit = "1e6 m-3"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.3f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float temp__k_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "air_temperature"; :long_name = "Temperature K from ECMWF"; :unit = "K"; :standard_unit = "K"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float pv__pvu_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "ertel_potential_vorticity"; :long_name = "Potential vorticity in PVU calculated from the wind and temperature fields provided by ECMWF"; :unit = "PVU"; :standard_unit = "1e-6 K m2 kg-1 s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float pot_temp__k_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "air_potential_temperature"; :long_name = "Potential temperature K ECMWF"; :unit = "K"; :standard_unit = "K"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float eq_pott_temp__k_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "equivalent_potential_temperature"; :long_name = "Equivalent potential temperature in K ECMWF"; :unit = "K"; :standard_unit = "K"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float spec_hum__g_kg_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "specific_humidity"; :long_name = "Specific humidity or q in g/kg is the amount of water vapour per kg air ECMWF"; :unit = "g/kg"; :standard_unit = "1e-3 kg kg-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float u__m_s_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "eastward_wind"; :long_name = "Eastward wind components u m/s ECMWF"; :unit = "m/s"; :standard_unit = "m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float v__m_s_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "northward_wind"; :long_name = "Northward wind components v m/s ECMWF"; :unit = "m/s"; :standard_unit = "m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float w__mubar_s_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "upward_air_velocity"; :long_name = "Vertical wind speed w dp/dt in in 0.1 Pa/s (micro-bar/s) ECMWF"; :unit = "mubar/s"; :standard_unit = "0.1 Pa s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float wind_speed__m_s_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "wind_speed"; :long_name = "Wind speed m/s ECMWF"; :unit = "m/s"; :standard_unit = "m/s"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float wind_dir__deg_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "wind_from_direction"; :long_name = "Wind direction in degrees ECMWF"; :unit = "deg"; :standard_unit = "degree"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float h2o__ppmv_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mole_fraction_of_water_vapor_in_air"; :long_name = "Total amount of water in ppmV ECMWF"; :unit = "ppm"; :standard_unit = "1e-6"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float rh___(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "relative_humidity"; :long_name = "Relative humidity in %, ECMWF relative to water when temperature is above 0 degr C, relative to ice when temperature is below 0 degr C"; :unit = "%"; :standard_unit = "%"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float z__0_1_g_m_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "geopotential"; :long_name = "Geopotential of aircraft in 0.1*g m ECMWF"; :unit = "0.1*g_m"; :standard_unit = "0.981 m2 s-2"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float eq_latitude_deg_n_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "equivalent_latitude"; :long_name = "Equivalent latitude in degrees north from ECMWF"; :unit = "degrees_north"; :standard_unit = "degree_north"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float cc(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "cloud_area_fraction"; :long_name = "Fraction of the area of the model grid cells covered by clouds (0 to 1) ECMWF"; :unit = "0-1"; :standard_unit = "1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float clwc_g_kg_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air"; :long_name = "Cloud water contents in g/kg ECMWF"; :unit = "g/kg"; :standard_unit = "1e-3 kg kg-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float clic_g_kg_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "mass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air"; :long_name = "Cloud ice contents in g/kg ECMWF"; :unit = "g/kg"; :standard_unit = "1e-3 kg kg-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float p_strop__hpa_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "thermal_tropopause_air_pressure"; :long_name = "Pressure of static tropopause (WMO) in hPa ECMWF"; :unit = "hPa"; :standard_unit = "100 Pa"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float p_dtrop__hpa_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "dynamic_tropopause_air_pressure"; :long_name = "Pressure of dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in hPa ECMWF"; :unit = "hPa"; :standard_unit = "100 Pa"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float t_strop__k_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "thermal_tropopause_air_temperature"; :long_name = "Temperature of static tropopause (WMO) in K ECMWF"; :unit = "K"; :standard_unit = "K"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float t_dtrop__k_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "dynamic_tropopause_air_temperature"; :long_name = "Temperature of dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in K ECMWF"; :unit = "K"; :standard_unit = "K"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float pt_strop__k_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "thermal_tropopause_air_potential_temperature"; :long_name = "Potential temperature of static tropopause (WMO) in K ECMWF"; :unit = "K"; :standard_unit = "K"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float pt_dtrop__k_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "dynamic_tropopause_air_potential_temperature"; :long_name = "Potential temperature of dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in K ECMWF"; :unit = "K"; :standard_unit = "K"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float pv_strop__pvu_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "thermal_tropopause_potential_vorticity"; :long_name = "PV of static tropopause (WMO) in PVU ECMWF"; :unit = "PVU"; :standard_unit = "1e-6 K m2 kg-1 s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float z_strop__01grav_m_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "thermal_tropopause_geopotential"; :long_name = "Geopotential of static tropopause (WMO) in 0.1*g m ECMWF"; :unit = "0.1*g_m"; :standard_unit = "0.981 m2 s-2"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float z_dtrop__01grav_m_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "dynamic_tropopause_geopotential"; :long_name = "Geopotential of dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in 0.1*g m ECMWF"; :unit = "0.1*g_m"; :standard_unit = "0.981 m2 s-2"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float dp_strop__hpa_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "difference_of_air_pressure_from_thermal_tropopause"; :long_name = "Pressure below static tropopause (WMO) in hPa ECMWF"; :unit = "hPa"; :standard_unit = "100 Pa"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; float dp_dtrop__hpa_(time=4122); :_FillValue = NaNf; // float :standard_name = "difference_of_air_pressure_from_dynamic_tropopause"; :long_name = "Pressure below dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in hPa ECMWF"; :unit = "hPa"; :standard_unit = "100 Pa"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :C_format = "%.1f"; :coordinates = "BaroAltit PosLat PosLong"; long time(time=4122); :name = "TimeCRef"; :standard_name = "time"; :long_name = "CARIBIC master computer time, UTC"; :axis = "T"; :coverage_content_type = "coordinate"; :units = "seconds since 2014-11-27 21:18:05"; :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; // global attributes: :na_file_header = "249 1001", "F. Obersteiner; H. Boenisch; T. Gehrlein; A. Zahn;", "Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 76021 Karlsruhe, P.O. Box 3640, Germany", "All continuous measurements (10s averages) for IAGOS-CARIBIC (onboard Airbus A340-600 HE of Lufthansa)", "IAGOS-CARIBIC (CARIBIC-2),", "1 1", "2014 11 27 2023 09 25", "10", "TimeCRef; CARIBIC_reference_time_since_0_hours_UTC_on_first_date_in_line_7; [s]", "90", "1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1", "9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999 9999999", "FlightPhase; (0-10 0=nn 1=PowerOn 2=EngineStart 3=TaxiOut 4=TakeOff 5=Climb 6=Cruise 7=Approach 8=RollOut 9=TaxiIn 10=EngineStop); [1]", "PosLat; Present Position Latitude; [degrees] # ranging from -90 (south pole) to +90 (north pole)", "PosLong; Present Position Longitude; [degrees] # ranging -180 to +180 (i.e. 180West to 180East)", "TrueHead; True Heading; [degrees] # ranging from -180 to +180; +90 means aircraft\'s nose is pointing towards east", "WindSpeed; Wind Speed; [knots] # 1 knot = 1852/3600 m/s", "WindDirTr; Wind Angle (True); [degrees] # from -180 to +180; +90 means wind blows from the east", "PitchAng; Pitch Angel; [degrees] # positive if nose above horizon", "RollAng; Roll Angel; [degrees] # positive if left wing higher than right wing", "StdAltitu; Std Press Altitude; [feet] # 1 ft = 0.3048 m; derived from pressure assuming standard atmosphere with 1013.25 mbar sea-level pressure", "BaroAltit; Baro Corrected Altitude; [feet] # attention: jumps during flights", "TrAirSpeed; True Airspeed; [knots]", "ToAirTmp; Total Air Temperature; [degC] # Celsius-temperature-scale; in degree Celsius", "AltitRate; Altitude Rate; [feet/min] # vertical speed derived from change in altitude values", "StcAirTmp; Static Air Temperature; [degC] # Celsius-temperature-scale; in degree Celsius", "AngOAttck; Corrected Angle of Attack; [degrees]", "TotPres; Total Pressure; [mbar]", "VertSpeed; Vertical Velocity; [feet/min]", "GndSpeed; Ground Speed; [knots]", "LocalTime; Local Solar Time (LST) as day fraction; [d] # calculated based on UTC_Arinc and PosLong", "pstatic; StaticPressure; [mbar] # pstatic=exp((1/0.190284)*ln(1-(StdAltitu)*0.3048*0.0065/288.15))*1013.246)", "Tpot; PotentialTemperature; [K] # Tpot=(StcAirTmp+273.15)*exp(0.2857*ln(1000/pstatic))", "Altitude; Pressure Altitude; [m] # Altitude=StdAltitu*0.3048", "SZA; solar zenith angle in degrees calculated from position, time and date according to DIN 5034 algorithm; [deg]", "H2Ostatus; Instrument status, 0: all 3 sensors worked, 1: PA gaseous failure (all H2O >100% saturation vs. ice (T<0C) / liquid (T>0C) is attributed to clouds 2: only Buck-CR2 (total H2O) worked, 3: no data; [1-3]", "H2Ogas; gaseous H2O volume mixing ratio; [ppm]", "H2Ocloud; Cloud content volume mixing ratio, corrected for enhancement of cloud particles by non-isokinetic inlet; [ppm]", "Ozone; Ozone volume mixing ratio; [ppb]", "H_rel_TP; Ozone-based representative height above the tropopause; [km] # derived from ozone sonde data collected at Hohenpeissenberg [Sprung and Zahn, JGR, 2010]", "NO; NO volume mixing ratio; [ppb]", "NOy; NOy volume mixing ratio; [ppb]", "TGM; Total gaseous mercury concentration; [ng/m^3_STP]", "GEM; Gaseous elemental mercury concentration; [ng/m^3_STP]", "CO; Carbon monoxide mixing ratio; [ppb]", "CO2; Carbon dioxide dry air mole fraction; [ppm] # since container Mod.C: measured by Picarro instrument", "CH4; Methane dry air mole fraction; [ppb] # since container Mod.C: measured by Picarro instrument", "CH4_Err; statistical uncertainty of CH4; [ppb] # not used anymore since container Mod.C", "ACN; Acetonitrile volume mixing ratio; [ppt]", "ACE; Acetone volume mixing ratio; [ppt]", "N4_12; Particle number concentration between 4 and 12 nm dry diameter; [1/cm^3_STP]", "N12; Particle number concentration for particles larger than 12 nm dry diameter; [1/cm^3_STP]", "N18; Particle number concentration for particles larger than 18 nm dry diameter; [1/cm^3_STP]", "PNumC; Particle number concentration between 140 and 1050 nm diameter; [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSurfC; Particle surface concentration between 140 and 1050 nm diameter; [micrometer^2/cm^3_STP]", "PVolC; Particle volume concentration between 140 and 1050 nm diameter; [micrometer^3/cm^3_STP]", "PMassC; Particle mass concentration between 140 and 1050 nm diameter; [microgram/m^3_STP]", "PSizeD01; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 140.0 and 171.3 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD02; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 171.3 and 209.5 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD03; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 209.5 and 256.2 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD04; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 256.2 and 313.4 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD05; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 313.4 and 383.4 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD06; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 383.4 and 469.0 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD07; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 469.0 and 573.7 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD08; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 573.7 and 701.7 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD09; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 701.7 and 858.4 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "PSizeD10; Particle size distribution bin concentration between 858.4 and 1050.0 nm diameter (dN/dlog(dp)); [1/cm^3_STP]", "cpc1_amb_ncm3; CPC1 total particle number concentration for diameter dp > 15 nm from P2c instrument, converted to ambient conditions; [1e6 m-3]", "cpc2_amb_ncm3; CPC2 non-volatile particle number concentration for diameter dp > 15 nm from P2c instrument, converted to ambient conditions; [1e6 m-3]", "opc1_amb_ncm3; OPC1 total particle mixing ratio dp larger than 250 nm from P2c instrument, converted to ambient conditions; [1e6 m-3]", "opc12_amb_ncm3; total number of particles diameter dp > 1000 nm from P2c instrument, converted to ambient conditions; [1e6 m-3]", "SC_Conc; Concentration of scattering particles without black carbon; [1/cm^3_STP]", "BC_Mass_Conc; Mass of black carbon particles; [ng/m^3_STP]", "BC_Conc; Concentration of black carbon particles; [1/cm^3_STP]", "temp__k_; temperature K from ECMWF; [K]", "pv__pvu_; potential vorticity in PVU calculated from the wind and temperature fields provided by ECMWF; [PVU]", "pot_temp__k_; potential temperature K ECMWF; [K]", "eq_pott_temp__k_; equivalent potential temperature in K ECMWF; [K]", "spec_hum__g_kg_; specific humidity or q in g/kg is the amount of water vapour per kg air ECMWF; [g/kg]", "u__m_s_; eastward wind components u m/s ECMWF; [m/s]", "v__m_s_; northward wind components v m/s ECMWF; [m/s]", "w__mubar_s_; vertical wind speed w dp/dt in in 0.1 Pa/s (micro-bar/s) ECMWF; [mubar/s]", "wind_speed__m_s_; wind speed m/s ECMWF; [m/s]", "wind_dir__deg_; wind direction in degrees ECMWF; [deg]", "h2o__ppmv_; total amount of water in ppmV ECMWF; [ppm]", "rh___; relative humidity in %, ECMWF relative to water when temperature is above 0 C, relative to ice when temperature is below 0 C; [%]", "z__0_1_g_m_; geopotential of aircraft in 0.1*g m ECMWF; [0.1*g_m]", "eq_latitude_deg_n_; equivalent latitude in degrees north from ECMWF; [degrees_north]", "cc; fraction of the area of the model grid cells covered by clouds (0 to 1) ECMWF; [0-1]", "clwc_g_kg_; cloud water contents in g/kg ECMWF; [g/kg]", "clic_g_kg_; cloud ice contents in g/kg ECMWF; [g/kg]", "p_strop__hpa_; pressure of static tropopause (WMO) in hPa ECMWF; [hPa]", "p_dtrop__hpa_; pressure of dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in hPa ECMWF; [hPa]", "t_strop__k_; temperature of static tropopause (WMO) in K ECMWF; [K]", "t_dtrop__k_; temperature of dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in K ECMWF; [K]", "pt_strop__k_; potential temperature of static tropopause (WMO) in K ECMWF; [K]", "pt_dtrop__k_; potential temperature of dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in K ECMWF; [K]", "pv_strop__pvu_; PV of static tropopause (WMO) in PVU ECMWF; [PVU]", "z_strop__01grav_m_; geopotential of static tropopause (WMO) in 0.1*g m ECMWF; [0.1*g_m]", "z_dtrop__01grav_m_; geopotential of dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in 0.1*g m ECMWF; [0.1*g_m]", "dp_strop__hpa_; pressure below static tropopause (WMO) in hPa ECMWF; [hPa]", "dp_dtrop__hpa_; pressure below dynamical tropopause (3.5 PVU) in hPa ECMWF; [hPa]", "18", "FileFormatVersionInfo: CARIBIC_NAmes_v02 standard # This file was created according to the conventions for CARIBIC NASA Ames data files, given by \'\'.", "FlightNo: 488", "FlightRoute: GRU MUC # IATA code of DepartureAirport and ArrivalAirport", "DepartureAirport: Sao Paulo", "ArrivalAirport: Munich", "FileName: MS_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V14.txt", "ExceptionToConsider: no", "ChangeLog: V11 - SU file update, model data unchanged. / V12 - SU file update, model data unchanged. / V13 - SU file update, model data unchanged. / V14 - Header update, data unchanged.", "#", "Names of used input files:", "MA_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V01.txt", "CN_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V08.txt", "CO_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V03.txt", "HG_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V11.txt", "OM_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V03.txt", "SD_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V14.txt", "WA_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V02.txt", "trackCLcl_14112718hr.dat; trackMLpd_14112718hr.dat; trackMLpd_14112718hr.dat_eqlat; trackTP_14112718hr.dat", "127", "data have been averaged over 10s intervals", "interval is reported as Midpoint UTC", "#", "comments from MA_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V01.txt", "# This file was created according to the conventions for CARIBIC NASA Ames data files, given by \'\'.", "MA_ExceptionToConsider: no", "MA_ChangeLog: 0", "data have been averaged over 10s intervals", "interval is reported as Midpoint UTC", "Airport-Acronyms: BKK=\"Bangkok\"; BOG=\"Bogota\"; CAN=\"Guangzhou\"; CCS=\"Caracas\"; CPT=\"Cape Town\"; DEN=\"Denver\"; EZE=\"Buenos Aires\"; FRA=\"Frankfurt\"; GIG=\"Rio de Janeiro\"; GRU=\"Sao Paulo\"; ICN=\"Seoul\"; JNB=\"Johannesburg\"; KIX=\"Osaka\"; KUL=\"Kuala Lumpur\"; MAA=\"Chennai\"; MCO=\"Orlando\"; MNL=\"Manila\"; MUC=\"Munich\"; ORD=\"Chicago\"; SCL=\"Santiago de Chile\"; SFO=\"San Francisco\"; YVR=\"Vancouver\"; YYZ=\"Toronto\"", "#", "comments from CN_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V08.txt", "# This file was created according to", "CN_ExceptionToConsider: no", "CN_ChangeLog: \\", "\\ V07: current version from server; \\", "\\ V08: converted to new CARIBIC NASA AMES format, data unchanged", "Particle number concentrations are corrected for inlet transmission efficiency,", "sampling line transport efficiency, CPC counting efficiency, and coincidence in", "the CPC optics. Values are transferred to standard conditions (STP, 273.15 K, 1013.25 hPa).", "There are statistical and instrumental uncertainties associated with the number concentrations.", "Statistical uncertainties follow from the Poisson statistics and amount to N^0.5.", "Instrumental uncertainties are caused by the CPC flow rate, the particle coincidence correction,", "the CPC counting efficiency, and the inlet transmission efficiency. The overall uncertainties", "are +/-15% for N12 and N18, and +/-40% for N4-12 concentrations larger than about", "500 1/cm^3 STP. Note that N4-12 values (nucleation mode particles = freshly", "formed particles) arise from subtracting the readings of two particle counters and", "hence N4-12 can be negative, because of statistical fluctuations in the concentrations.", "Concerning data analysis, negative values should be treated as if there were", "no nucleation mode particles at all, i.e., as zero. On the other hand, particle", "number concentrations larger than about 140,000 1/cm^3 STP for N12 and N18,", "and larger than about (180,000 - N12) 1/cm^3 STP for N4-12 are more uncertain,", "because then the coincidence correction is responsible for a large fraction of the", "particle counts. Please note furthermore that if no correct values are indicated, i.e.", "\"9999999\", it is still possible that there are particle number concentration data", "available, however, they did not fulfill the data quality standards. Please contact", "the PI listed in line 2 of this header, if you need data for such periods.", "#", "comments from CO_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V03.txt", "# This file was created according to the conventions for CARIBIC NASA Ames data files, given by \'\'.", "CO_ExceptionToConsider: no", "Date-Time start: 2014-11-27 21:18:59.840", "Date-Time end: 2014-11-28 08:44:59.840", "CO time resolution = 1Hz", "Calibration cycles = every 15 min", "there is a time correction between Master-PC and CO-PC", "t90 = 5 s", "time offset = 3.260 s", "time drift = -10.100 s", "#", "comments from HG_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V11.txt", "# This file was created according to the conventions for CARIBIC NASA Ames data files, given by \"\".", "HG_ExceptionToConsider: no", "Hg time resolution: 300 seconds", "time given = middle of the sampling interval", "no correction for the time difference between the instrument and master clock", "calibration after every third flight, first and third flight calibrated, calibration for the second flight interpolated assuming linear drift", "all peaks from raw data spektrum from Tekran output are re-integrated manual and the concentrations are re-calculated with interpolated calibration values", "the instrument measures either TGM (first data collumn), or GEM (second data collumn). To measure GEM, the gaseous oxidized mercury (GOM) was filtered out with a quarz wool trap.", "All data is given for STP conditions (0 degree Celsius, 1013.25 hPa)", "#", "comments from OM_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V03.txt", "# This file was created according to the conventions for CARIBIC NASA Ames data files, given by \'\'.", "OM_ExceptionToConsider: no", "OM_ChangeLog: V01: current version from server; V02: converted to new CARIBIC NASA AMES format, data unchanged \\", "\\ V03: H_rel_TP deleted for ozone below 60ppb, H_rel_TP deleted south of 28 deg N, H_rel_TP values now down to -1.5km", "data have been averaged over 10 s intervals", "interval is reported as Midpoint_UTC", "#", "comments from SD_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V14.txt", "# This file was created according to the conventions for CARIBIC NASA Ames data files, given by \'\'.", "SD_ExceptionToConsider: no", "SD_ChangeLog: \\", "\\ V13: current version from server; \\", "\\ V14: converted to new CARIBIC NASA AMES format, number of size bins changed to 10, in-cloud data replaced with the missing value indicator, new OPSS response function (concentrations changed in the order of 20%)", "Particle size distribution was measured with a modified RION KS-93 Optical Particle Size Spectrometer (OPSS).", "All data are corrected for inlet transmission efficiency, sampling line transport efficiency, and OPSS", "counting efficiency. All date are converted to standard conditions (STP, p=1013.25 hPa, T=273.15 K).", "For statistical reasons the temporal resolution is set to 180 seconds.", "The particle size distribution is given for an internally mixed upper tropospheric aerosol (45% H2SO4;", "44% (NH4)2SO4; 10% organics; 1% soot, refractive index = 1.47-0.006i).", "Particle mass is estimated from measured particle size and concentration assuming a particle density of 1.66 g/cm^3.", "Data header gives the upper limit (first line) and the channel center (= root(lower_limit*upper_limit), second line)", "of the respective size channel (all values in nanometer). Please note that particle numbers given for the channels in", "this file are not the real measured concentration values. They are dN/dlog(dp) values used to plot the particle size", "distribution. To calculate the real concentration in a certain size bin, the given concentration value has to be", "multiplied with the difference of the logarithm (basis 10) of the channel size borders. For this data representation", "the respective value is 0.087506.", "The lower concentration detection limit is 0.1 particle/cm^3 (ambient). The upper concentration detection limit", "is coincidence limited with 12% coincidence at 5000 particles/cm^3 (ambient). The uncertainty for PNumC is 18%", "and for the PSizeD channels 23% because of the additional uncertainty caused by the varying refractive index.", "OPSS data from inside cloud measurements are likely erroneous, containing artifacts due to break-up of cloud droplets", "or ice crystals at the CARIBIC inlet system. Consequently, the inside cloud measurement data were replaced with the", "missing value indicator, by using the cloud water content data (H2Ocloud > 0), or if not available, ECMWF cloud data,", "both given in the CARIBIC meteo-merged files.", "More detailed information to the OPSS is provided in the CARIBIC instrument reference card (OPSS) which is available on", "the CARIBIC Wiki.", "#", "comments from WA_20141127_488_GRU_MUC_10s_V02.txt", "# This file was created according to the conventions for CARIBIC NASA Ames data files, given by \'\'.", "WA_ExceptionToConsider: no", "WA_ChangeLog: V01: current version from server; V02: converted to new CARIBIC NASA AMES format, data unchanged", "data have been averaged over 10 s intervals", "interval is reported as Midpoint_UTC", "#", "this file was generated with caribic2dp v0.2.13,", "#", "comments for trackCLcl_14112718hr.dat; trackMLpd_14112718hr.dat; trackMLpd_14112718hr.dat_eqlat; trackTP_14112718hr.dat", "1x1 degree gridded ECMWF model level data (analyses)", "have been interpolated linearly in longitude, latitude, log-pressure and time", "to the aircraft location by Peter van Velthoven (KNMI) with time resolution of 1 min", "followed by a second linear interpolation in time during MS file processing to meet 10s intervals.", "#", "The following line contains information about the lower detection limit of the instrument for the respective column: A number represents the lower detection limit (given in the units of the column, unaffected by the column\'s scaling factor). A column name refers to the column containing the lower detection limit. \"[]\" means that no lower detection limit is given.", "LowerDetectionLimit:\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t0.05\t0.05\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t1\t1\t1\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]", "Size bin information: The next three lines contain (all values in nanometers): lower limit of the respective size channel; upper limit of the respective size channel; channel center of the respective size channel (it is calculated as square root(BinLowLimit*BinUpLimit)). \"[]\" means that no limit is given.", "BinUpLimit:\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]", "BinCenter:\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]", "BinLowLimit:\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]\t[]", "The following two lines contain names and units according to the \'NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention\', see Each entry (name or unit) corresponds to a certain column; the entry before the first tab belongs to the independent column.", "CF_StandardNames: time\tplatform_status_flag\tlatitude\tlongitude\tplatform_orientation\twind_speed\twind_to_direction\tplatform_pitch_angle\tplatform_roll_angle\tbarometric_altitude\tbarometric_altitude\tplatform_speed_wrt_air\tair_total_temperature\ttendency_of_barometric_altitude\tair_temperature\tplatform_attack_angle\tair_total_pressure\tplatform_vertical_speed_wrt_air\tplatform_speed_wrt_ground\ttime\tair_pressure\tair_potential_temperature\tbarometric_altitude\tsolar_zenith_angle\tstatus_flag\tmole_fraction_of_water_vapor_in_air\tmole_fraction_of_cloud_condensed_water_in_air\tmole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air\taltitude_wrt_tropopause\tmole_fraction_of_nitrogen_monoxide_in_air\tmole_fraction_of_total_reactive_nitrogen_in_air\tmass_concentration_of_total_gaseous_mercury_in_air\tmass_concentration_of_gaseous_elemental_mercury_in_air\tmole_fraction_of_carbon_monoxide_in_air\tmole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air\tmole_fraction_of_methane_in_air\tmole_fraction_of_methane_in_air_standard_error\tmole_fraction_of_aceto_nitrile_in_air\tmole_fraction_of_acetone_in_air\tnumber_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tsurface_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tvolume_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tmass_concentration_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_size_distribution_of_dried_aerosol_particles_at_stp_in_air\tnumber_concentration_of_aerosol_particles_in_ambient_air\tnumber_concentration_of_non_volatile_aerosol_particles_in_ambient_air\tnumber_concentration_of_aerosol_particles_of_diameter_larger_than_250nm_in_ambient_air\tnumber_concentration_of_aerosol_particles_of_diameter_larger_than_1_um_in_ambient_air\tnumber_concentration_of_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air\tmass_concentration_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air\tnumber_concentration_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air\tair_temperature\tertel_potential_vorticity\tair_potential_temperature\tequivalent_potential_temperature\tspecific_humidity\teastward_wind\tnorthward_wind\tupward_air_velocity\twind_speed\twind_from_direction\tmole_fraction_of_water_vapor_in_air\trelative_humidity\tgeopotential\tequivalent_latitude\tcloud_area_fraction\tmass_fraction_of_cloud_liquid_water_in_air\tmass_fraction_of_cloud_ice_in_air\tthermal_tropopause_air_pressure\tdynamic_tropopause_air_pressure\tthermal_tropopause_air_temperature\tdynamic_tropopause_air_temperature\tthermal_tropopause_air_potential_temperature\tdynamic_tropopause_air_potential_temperature\tthermal_tropopause_potential_vorticity\tthermal_tropopause_geopotential\tdynamic_tropopause_geopotential\tdifference_of_air_pressure_from_thermal_tropopause\tdifference_of_air_pressure_from_dynamic_tropopause", "CF_Units: [s]\t[1]\t[degree_north]\t[degree_east]\t[degree]\t[(1852/3600) m s-1]\t[degree]\t[degree]\t[degree]\t[0.3048 m]\t[0.3048 m]\t[(1852/3600) m s-1]\t[degree_C]\t[0.3048/60 m s-1]\t[degree_C]\t[degree]\t[100 Pa]\t[0.3048/60 m s-1]\t[(1852/3600) m s-1]\t[d]\t[100 Pa]\t[K]\t[m]\t[degree]\t[1]\t[1e-6]\t[1e-6]\t[1e-9]\t[1e3 m]\t[1e-9]\t[1e-9]\t[1e-12 kg m-3]\t[1e-12 kg m-3]\t[1e-9]\t[1e-6]\t[1e-9]\t[1e-9]\t[1e-12]\t[1e-12]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e-6 m-3]\t[1e-12]\t[1e-9 kg m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e-12 kg m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[K]\t[1e-6 K m2 kg-1 s-1]\t[K]\t[K]\t[1e-3 kg kg-1]\t[m s-1]\t[m s-1]\t[0.1 Pa s-1]\t[m/s]\t[degree]\t[1e-6]\t[%]\t[0.981 m2 s-2]\t[degree_north]\t[1]\t[1e-3 kg kg-1]\t[1e-3 kg kg-1]\t[100 Pa]\t[100 Pa]\t[K]\t[K]\t[K]\t[K]\t[1e-6 K m2 kg-1 s-1]\t[0.981 m2 s-2]\t[0.981 m2 s-2]\t[100 Pa]\t[100 Pa]", "The following four lines contain: Start date like in line 7 (formatted as YYYYMMDD), followed by the scaling factors like in line 11; Line number containing the KeyLabel \'ExceptionToConsider\' (0 if no such exception is mentioned), followed by the VMISS-values like in line 12; Units like in lines 13ff; Column headers.", "20141127\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1\t1", "0\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999\t9999999", "[s]\t[1]\t[degrees]\t[degrees]\t[degrees]\t[knots]\t[degrees]\t[degrees]\t[degrees]\t[feet]\t[feet]\t[knots]\t[degC]\t[feet/min]\t[degC]\t[degrees]\t[mbar]\t[feet/min]\t[knots]\t[d]\t[mbar]\t[K]\t[m]\t[deg]\t[1-3]\t[ppm]\t[ppm]\t[ppb]\t[km]\t[ppb]\t[ppb]\t[ng/m^3_STP]\t[ng/m^3_STP]\t[ppb]\t[ppm]\t[ppb]\t[ppb]\t[ppt]\t[ppt]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[micrometer^2/cm^3_STP]\t[micrometer^3/cm^3_STP]\t[microgram/m^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1e6 m-3]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[ng/m^3_STP]\t[1/cm^3_STP]\t[K]\t[PVU]\t[K]\t[K]\t[g/kg]\t[m/s]\t[m/s]\t[mubar/s]\t[m/s]\t[deg]\t[ppm]\t[%]\t[0.1*g_m]\t[degrees_north]\t[0-1]\t[g/kg]\t[g/kg]\t[hPa]\t[hPa]\t[K]\t[K]\t[K]\t[K]\t[PVU]\t[0.1*g_m]\t[0.1*g_m]\t[hPa]\t[hPa]", "TimeCRef\tFlightPhase\tPosLat\tPosLong\tTrueHead\tWindSpeed\tWindDirTr\tPitchAng\tRollAng\tStdAltitu\tBaroAltit\tTrAirSpeed\tToAirTmp\tAltitRate\tStcAirTmp\tAngOAttck\tTotPres\tVertSpeed\tGndSpeed\tLocalTime\tpstatic\tTpot\tAltitude\tSZA\tH2Ostatus\tH2Ogas\tH2Ocloud\tOzone\tH_rel_TP\tNO\tNOy\tTGM\tGEM\tCO\tCO2\tCH4\tCH4_Err\tACN\tACE\tN4_12\tN12\tN18\tPNumC\tPSurfC\tPVolC\tPMassC\tPSizeD01\tPSizeD02\tPSizeD03\tPSizeD04\tPSizeD05\tPSizeD06\tPSizeD07\tPSizeD08\tPSizeD09\tPSizeD10\tcpc1_amb_ncm3\tcpc2_amb_ncm3\topc1_amb_ncm3\topc12_amb_ncm3\tSC_Conc\tBC_Mass_Conc\tBC_Conc\ttemp__k_\tpv__pvu_\tpot_temp__k_\teq_pott_temp__k_\tspec_hum__g_kg_\tu__m_s_\tv__m_s_\tw__mubar_s_\twind_speed__m_s_\twind_dir__deg_\th2o__ppmv_\trh___\tz__0_1_g_m_\teq_latitude_deg_n_\tcc\tclwc_g_kg_\tclic_g_kg_\tp_strop__hpa_\tp_dtrop__hpa_\tt_strop__k_\tt_dtrop__k_\tpt_strop__k_\tpt_dtrop__k_\tpv_strop__pvu_\tz_strop__01grav_m_\tz_dtrop__01grav_m_\tdp_strop__hpa_\tdp_dtrop__hpa_"; :title = "IAGOS-CARIBIC netCDF4 data file"; :date_created = "2024-01-12T10:22:59Z"; :summary = "merged IAGOS-CARIBIC data (CARIBIC-2), on a 10s grid"; :keywords = "greenhouse gases, aerosols, trace gases, aircraft observations, in-situ, monitoring, long-term"; :conventions = "CF-1.10"; :mission = "IAGOS-CARIBIC (CARIBIC-2),"; :data_description = "All continuous measurements (10s averages) for IAGOS-CARIBIC (onboard Airbus A340-600 HE of Lufthansa)"; :data_institute = "Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 76021 Karlsruhe, P.O. Box 3640, Germany"; :data_owners = "A. Zahn; H. Boenisch; T. Gehrlein; F. Obersteiner; contact:"; :license = ""; :doi = "10.5281/zenodo.8188548"; :format_date = "2024-01-11"; :format_version = "0.6"; :history = "Converted from NASA Ames format with na_to_nc4 from caribic2dp.convert_caribic_na_nc4 module. Might contain only a subset of the parameters from the original NASA Ames file. caribic2dp 0.2.25,"; :ivar_C_format = "%d"; :geospatial_bounds_crs = "EPSG:4326"; :geospatial_bounds_vertical_crs = "EPSG:5829"; :geospatial_lat_min = -23.419f; // float :geospatial_lat_max = 48.278f; // float :geospatial_lon_min = -46.428f; // float :geospatial_lon_max = 11.75f; // float :geospatial_lat_units = "degree_north"; :geospatial_lon_units = "degree_east"; :geospatial_vertical_min = 2465.0f; // float :geospatial_vertical_max = 40154.0f; // float :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up"; :geospatial_vertical_units = "m"; :time_coverage_start = "2014-11-27T21:18:05"; :time_coverage_end = "2014-11-28T08:44:55"; }